Patent Process
The patent process can be a very complex, time consuming, and costly undertaking. While it is possible to represent yourself in this endeavor, it is often helpful to seek the advice and assistance of a knowledgeable guide. The professionals at Walder IP Law, P.C. are available to guide you through this process with an aim at simplifying the process to meet your needs, reducing the time between filing and issuance, and doing so while minimizing your costs.
While many may believe the patent process to start with the filing of a patent application, in actuality the process starts well prior to filing of the patent application. Critical errors can be made prior to filing, which makes it important to consult with an experienced patent professional early in your path to patenting. The attorneys and agents of Walder IP Law, P.C. are experienced with guiding clients in these early phases through consultation, assisting with the establishment of disclosure systems, and working with inventors one-on-one to identify areas of innovation ripe for patent protection.
The drafting of the patent application is a critical part of the patent process requiring the drafter of the application to not only be a person that can understand the technology and inventiveness of the invention, but also be an excellent crafter of words. Often the patentability of a patent application may not only rest on the technological improvement described, but the way in which the description is drafted. Thus, it is important to obtain the assistance of a professional with experience and the ability to describe the complex simply. It is important to work with a professional that is capable of quickly understanding a variety of technologies and boiling them down to their basic underlying concepts so that these concepts can be conveyed more clearly. The professionals at Walder IP Law, P.C. have spent many years obtaining such abilities as well as applying them to the benefit of their clients.
The prosecution of the patent application is an area fraught with potential pitfalls. Navigating around issues such as novelty, obviousness, indefiniteness, and the like, can be daunting. The attorneys and agents of Walder IP Law, P.C. deal with such issues on a daily basis mapping a safe path through to allowance of the patent application.
For a more detailed overview of the patent process, visit the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office’s patent process webpage: